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Doors closed!
We are about to take off! I am already worried about my battery. Will post as long as I can 🙂
Why I Choose to Choose
Each year, many people set New Year’s Resolutions. Statistically, most of these people fail by February and nearly all by March. Why would you keep doing that to yourself. Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same things and expecting…
What's Next? A Hope Hunt!
I don’t know what to write next. Normally, I hear a muse that helps me write. Yes, literally. Since we’ve come home, I haven’t heard it – or is it a she? Perhaps that’s because within days of coming home,…
Here We Go!
Looks like all systems are go for Catherine to head back to the OR tomorrow. She’s scheduled for 1 PM, though they may take her as early as 11:30 if they can get schedules to align. Docs have done all…

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One Thing That Will Keep a Marriage Healthy
We’re down to one nurse working 2 nights all week. If you didn’t do well in math, that means we have 71.42% of the week without overnight nurse coverage. I have a friend with a severely disabled child, and she…