Our Story from the Start


Allergies waiting

Once again, we’ll wait and see… Catherine had a severe respiratory attack  on July 5 after going out for a bit of ice-cream to close the holiday weekend. We wound up riding via ambulance to the ER. Happy Independence, huh? …


The Observer

Am I “The Observer?” Catherine has what’s known as “stridor.” Basically, it’s a sound that comes from inflammation in her throat obstructing her airway just enough to produce a sound when she breathes. Sort of like an old man on…

Best Of | Doubt

I Wish I Knew

The most common question I get from people who know Catherine right now is, “How’s she doing? Is she over the pain?” I wish I knew. Most times, she seems comfortable, but frankly, she seemed comfortable even just after surgery….


Pack it?

I still remember an art project in 7th grade. I don’t have the art project; it has to live in my memory. It was my very favorite piece of all my school projects and my teacher blew it up in…

Best Of | Doubt

My Pride is Leaking

Brian and Catherine had three medical appointments this week. I’m picking up the pieces from a really intense new-biz week and the flu last week at work. And Sarah started a new school. In comparison to last, this week has…


Quick Update Before Bed

Catherine has had a relatively uneventful day which you would think would be good. It’s been frustrating though because I was really hoping to be able to tell you they pulled the tube. She breathed on her own with the…