Author: Ellen Moore


Apologies for not posting this earlier. It should have been posted on 6.4.12. We were heading out for vacation and packing took priority! Great vacation by the way. Every morning during the school year, I make Catherine’s food for school….


BRIAN! BRIAN! I yelled up the stairs knowing the sound of the fan in the bedroom made my yelling futile.   BRIAN! BRIAN! God, please let him hear me somehow.   How can I move to get the oxygen?  …

Pack it?

I still remember an art project in 7th grade. I don’t have the art project; it has to live in my memory. It was my very favorite piece of all my school projects and my teacher blew it up in…


I’m struck by how recently often I feel normal. And how great it feels. Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for a friend of mine turning, ummmm, 30. Until a couple of months ago, I hadn’t seen her in…


The most profound thing I remember about the word hate occurred in high school. I had a Spanish teacher who I thought hung the moon. Mr. Robinson at CCDS (we called him “Robo”) is absolutely the precise reason I wear…