Observation Day
I can’t stand it. I’m in SFO at an industry conference (that’s been great btw!) and back at home – in a 3 hour time change – Catherine is being OBSERVED by Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Though I had…
I can’t stand it. I’m in SFO at an industry conference (that’s been great btw!) and back at home – in a 3 hour time change – Catherine is being OBSERVED by Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Though I had…
“NOOOOOO!” I heard myself scream at Sarah as I saw my favorite bowl crash on the floor in four or five chunky pieces. Her defiant eyes dared me as she raised it over her head. In a millisecond, it was…
Think back. What were you doing right now – exactly six years ago today? Most of you won’t even remember. A few will. I certainly do. If you were the nurse who made me promise not to be scared until…
Yesterday was Sarah’s birthday. I had hoped to write in this blog then, but work got in the way. Which makes me wonder if now, rather than the Observer, I’m the Executive Mom who puts work before her kids. Yuck….
Am I “The Observer?” Catherine has what’s known as “stridor.” Basically, it’s a sound that comes from inflammation in her throat obstructing her airway just enough to produce a sound when she breathes. Sort of like an old man on…
We’ve developed a nice little routine for bedtime. At times, I’m frustrated by the length of it, but mostly, I think it serves us well. To put it in the terms Sarah knows: Jammies Teeth Prayers Hugs Books Elmo chair…
Somehow, Catherine knows when it’s time to really pull out the stops and give us something incredible. And yesterday, she did it at the perfect time – during Brian’s birthday celebration at the house. I was cooking meatloaf and mashed…
Each year at this time, I wrestle with new resolutions. Part of me is giddy at the prospect of starting fresh and being better in many ways. Part of me gets undone at the thought of making promises to myself…
Sarah will always have one “stall tactic” that will work. Shhh, don’t tell her. Last night, I came home from a day-trip to Atlanta on business. I had caught a cold and seems Sarah wasn’t feeling too well either. She…
I got an email from an old friend today. He’s many more years down the road than we are. His son has severe CP and just started college this fall. His son’s mind is as sharp as they come. And…